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Monsoon (Varsha) Regimen

Welcoming rain is something what we all like. It can be because of a holiday that we get during school times or for a grown up it can be sipping into their hot coffee or a masala tea. After the scorching heat of summer, the rain drops not only make the farmers happy but also the nature which also shows off with greenery all around it. Don’t confuse yourself with the slight rain showers we get in west as rainy season. Rainy season can be seen in India (Tropical regions) after summer characterized with showers multiple times a day or pouring throughout the day as well in certain regions. Also, this continues for about 2-3 months. However following tips can definitely be followed whenever you find similar changes in your atmosphere for more than one or two days as it’s not very rare when we see days continue to be cloudy and overall dampness in atmosphere too.

This rainy season not only bring this but also is a great warning into our digestive power. Moreover, people with frequent stomach upsets should take special care in this season. As the atmosphere is not clear due to clouds and rains, we do not get enough sunlight which further reduces the freshness of atmosphere. You would agree that having lush green trees all-over is different from the freshness of sunlight, same is case in case of monsoon.

Monsoon Regimen

Food digestion and Rain:

  1. Liquids in diet and liquids as diet e.g. Soups should be minimum, they overload your agni.

  2. For a very plain simple diet on daily basis opt for seasonal produce of your area. Have warm, light & freshly cooked diet. Avoid paneer or tofu and all types of cheese especially if you are not accustomed to its intake.

  3. Enjoy the rainy season with hot pakodas and tea to a very minimum level, as excessive use of oily, spicy or sour food during this season reflects itself more prominently in coming Autumn or Sharad season.

  4. Use of kokam / Garcenia Indica in daily food is always a good option to increase taste of food and kindle digestion. Also, it doesn’t cause excessive increase in pitta as Tamarinds do.

  5. Avoid regular intake of fermented food, sprouted pulses. Moong daal khichadi and ghee are always a good option when you get any kind of stomach upset.

  6. Green leafy veggies are also best to avoid as they tend to be more contaminated during monsoons. At least the usage should be as minimum as it can be.

  7. Use of Barley (यव), Wheat and Shali variety of rice should be encouraged. Yusha (type of food preparation in Ayurved) made from meat is advised for people fond of meat.

  8. Honey should be used as sweetener wherever possible (with observation of rules for consuming it) & use of ghee in appropriate proportions should be encouraged.

  9. Avoid sleeping during daytime.

General Tips for Monsoon:

  1. Those who have been exercising before can continue with certain mild exercises but if you are new to exercising, then please do take advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner.

  2. Avoid getting drenched in water on regular basis [specially for your kids] as this enjoyment can be dangerous in the short as well as long run.

  3. Any kind of minor stomach upset, fever, cold and cough should be taken care off immediately to avoid further consequences.

  4. Avoid keeping yourself wet for longer duration. Make use of dehumidifiers at your place if you stay in more humid areas.

  5. Always drink water which is boiled before-hand, i.e boiled and cooled (non-refrigerated).

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